Collaboration forms a huge part of the AMELIE project. Consortium members will be collaborating with a number of third parties. This will ensure of the effective dissemination and exploitation of our research and results. 

Charities and the Third Sector

Bowel Research UK will coordinate interaction with other incontinence charities across Europe to disseminate information about our implantable cell-microcarrier technology, raise awareness of the clinical study to boost recruitment and engage the wider public.

Patients and the Public

Despite the stigmatization associated with FI, patients and the informed public are the best source of information about the effects of this condition. Effective engagement with patients and the public will not be limited to telling people about our research and new technology, but about creating the channels for a reciprocal dialogue. Engagement with patients and the public, led by Bowel Research UK, provides us with essential opportunities to gain valuable input to the development of the implantable cell-microcarrier technology.

Healthcare Professionals

Engaging clinicians and allied health professionals across Europe will shape the AMELIE project. Collaborating with these groups will ensure meaningful change in the research programme, providing a route to translation and increase the likelihood of widespread acceptance and adoption of our implantable cell-microcarrier technology.

Business and Industry

The AMELIE Third Parties will provide a gateway for early and continued engagement of key business and industrial beneficiaries. We will also be utilising existing links between consortium members and manufacturers. Collaborating with industry will further provide insight on the potential challenges faced in commercialising the implantable-cell microcarrier technology and potentially provide opportunities to undertake subsequent translational development for FI and other conditions.